This download has a bit more realistic feel of the NVG goggles, with better clarity, and lensing effects. Included is both the Green and White Phosphor versions, as well as a new .PNG mask for a slightly better FoV.


You will need the freeware ReShade program below:

Once installed, press the HOME key to open the ReShade overlay. Go to SETTINGS and bind whatever keyboard key you prefer for 'Activation Mode'.

**Note, make a duplicate of the .ini (can be done outside the program in Windows, or inside ReShade by selecting the 'tick' box for duplicate. Any changes made will automatically save over the original, so make backups if you need to.


The original NVG with walkthrough from Feint:

This is a full-screen version if you prefer.


A great walkthrough with a different version by SukagalihSim can be found here:

SukagalihSim's version will show you how to apply a mask effect instead of the full-screen version of Feint's.


Once you try both of theirs out, replacing the files with mine will be super easy and intuitive! I'd definitely suggest giving theirs a try as well, as results may vary between each depending on your particular monitor setup. I've attached a new version of this .PNG in the downloads for a slightly larger FoV.


Holler with any issues!