This trip from Rome to Kuwait city takes place in four days:

Day 1: From Rome to Athens via Napoli, the Aeolian Islands, Sicily, the boot of Italy, Corfu and the Corinth Canal. This trip will allow you to discover very beautiful landscapes and historical places of Roman and Greek civilizations

Thanks to update 9, MSFS 2020 allows you to enjoy a lot of sceneries without additional download. Take the time to fly over the historic sites.


In preparation:

Day 2: from Athens Port Said, via the Aegean Sea, Crete, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel and Gaza.

Day 3: From Port Said to Djibouti via the Suez Canal, the Gulf of Aqaba, Petra in Jordan, and the Red Sea, via Saudi Arabia.

Day 4: From Djibouti to Kuwait, via the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain.

The second .zip file contains the .pln flight plan and a pdf which is the description of the flight.

Many thanks to BuffyGC for the very useful Bushtrip Injector, Alex Barthel for Little Navmap, all the scenery creators, and Wikipedia.

Hoping you will enjoy the trip